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The "Back To Quality" program
Clavier herbeux


... needs maintenance!

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The "Back To Quality" program

You develop with Ada and have a coding standard for it... Good!

However, there is this big amount of legacy code that does not match the standard, and you don't have the time to fix it up - after all it works...

Can you afford non-compliant code in your software?

  • It increases your technical debt.
  • There can be hidden problems (after all, the rules are here for a reason!)
  • You have to manually justify all the non-conformities...

We'll fix your code for you!

Here is how it works:

Step 1: Assess the current state

  • We review your coding standard, and suggest improvements as necessary.
  • We control your software according to your coding standard.
  • We summarize the findings and evaluate the effort to reduce the technical debt

Step 2: Reduce the technical debt

  • Together, we define the non-regression tests to ensure that no error is introduced in the process.
  • We modify your code and check non-regression.
  • We make a new assessment of the software and evaluate the improvements.

How much does it cost?

We make an initial fixed-price proposal for phase 1, and after assessing your software, we make another fixed-price proposal for step 2.

At this point, you are free to accept the proposal or to make the modifications yourself if you have the necessary resources.

For more information: please write to info@adalog.fr.