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Publications in English by J-P. Rosen

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Title Reference

ACM DL Author-ize serviceAll aboard Ada 95!

A humourous article about an airplane and Ada 95...

ACM SIGAda Ada Letters,
Vol. XVI, n°2

ACM DL Author-ize serviceA naming convention for classes in Ada 9X

A paper that describes a convenient notation for OOP programming in Ada. This convention is now widely accepted, and recommended by the "Ada: Quality & Style" guide.

ACM SIGAda Ada Letters,
Vol. XV n° 2

ACM DL Author-ize serviceIn defense of the USE clause

A paper that advocates that the "use" clause should not be banned. 

ACM SIGAda Ada Letters,
Vol. VII, n° 7

ACM DL Author-ize serviceWhat orientation should Ada objects take?

A paper that discuss the merits and limitations of various object oriented technologies, and their applicability to Ada.

Communications of the ACM,
Vol. 35 n° 11.

Ada, Interfaces and the Listener Paradigm

A paper that presents a design pattern for Ada that provides the same functionnality as Java interfaces, and discusses various implementations of the listener paradigm. It can even be easily extended to full multiple inheritance.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, n° 2361.
Proceedings of the Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2002 conference
© Springer-Verlag 2002

ACM DL Author-ize serviceExperiences in developing a typical web/database application

A paper that presents Adalog's experience in developing an application with AWS, MySQL and GTK/Ada It prensents AWS and focuses on design patterns that were found useful and can be applied to many similar applications..

Proceedings of the ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference (SIGAda 2003)

On the benefits for industrials of sponsoring free software development

A paper that discusses the business model of the development of AdaControl, and how it is possible (and beneficial) for industrials to pay for the development of free software.

Ada User Journal
Volume 26, n° 4, december 2005

A Comparison of Industrial Coding Rules

A paper that discusses various coding rules encountered in the industry, good and bad ones, and provides guidance for defining effective coding standards.

Ada User Journal
Volume 29, n° 4, december 2008

Ada for beginning and experienced programmers

A general overview of Ada (slides).

Presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium, February 2009.

The Object-Oriented Programming Model in Ada 2005

A more detailed presentation of the OO model (slides).

Presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium, February 2009.

ACM DL Author-ize serviceThe Ada paradox(es)

Personal thoughts about the history of Ada, and its successes and failures.

ACM SIGAda Ada Letters,
Vol. XXIX, n°2, Aug. 2009

ACM DL Author-ize serviceA methodology for avoiding known compiler problems using static analysis

A paper that shows how Adalog's AdaControl tool has been used to certify  that no known compiler problem was present in a high safety application (railway system). The methodology can be applied to many similar problems.

Proceedings of the ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference (SIGAda 2010)

The SQALE Quality and Analysis Models for Assessing the Quality of Ada Source Code

A presentation of the SQALE method for assessing the quality of source code, and how it has been adapted and used for Ada.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, n° 6652,  proceedings of the16th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies
© Springer-Verlag, 2011

Using Ada's Visibility Rules and Static Analysis to Enforce Segregation of Safety Critical Components

A presentation of a technique that uses Ada's strict visibility rules together with AdaControl to enforce segregation in mixed criticality systems.

Ada User Journal
Volume 37, n° 3, September 2016

ASIS vs. Libadalang: a comparative assessment

A comparison of two libraries intended to facilitate the writing of analysis tools for Ada.

Ada User Journal
Volume 42 n° 3-4, September - December 2021

The Ada Numerics Model

A description of the challenges of making portable calculations across different architectures, and how the Ada model addresses the issues.

Ada User Journal
Volume 43 n° 1, March 2022

ACM SIGAda Ada Letters
volume XLII, number 1, June 2022

Complete list of publications

Papers are sorted by publication date. Click here to go to the most recent ones.

Year Reference

"A kernel for task and rendezvous management in Ada", Ada Europe-Ada-TEC joint conference, Brussels, Be.


"On the Use of Text_IO on Interactive Terminals", IEEE conference on Ada Applications and Environments, ST Paul, MN. 


"Practical Software Engineering Training with Ada", invited conference, Education Seminar, Ada Europe Conference, Edimburgh, UK, may 1986. 


"Abstract data types", invited conference, Education Seminar, Ada-UK Conference, York, UK, January 1987, and Ada Europe Conference, Stockholm, Se, may 1987.

"In defense of the USE clause", Ada Letters, Vol. VII, n° 7, November/December 1987


"Ada tasking model and mechanism", invited conference, Education Seminar, Ada Europe Conference, Munich, De, June 1988.


"Ada and Real-time: Abstraction please", 3rd International Workshop on Real Time Ada Issues, Pittsburgh, PA 


"A comparison of Object Oriented Paradigms", Tenth international workshop on Expert Systems and their Applications, Avignon, May 1990. 

"Ada: Linguistic Tool for the Support of Abstractions", 4th Autumn School on Object Oriented Software Engineering, Jouy-en-Josas, September 1990.

"Ada, or a higher level approach to Real-Time problems", Third International Workshop on Software Engineering & its Applications, Toulouse, 3-7 December 1990.


"Object Oriented Paradigms: OOD vs. Inheritance", invited conference, Ada-Europe Conference, Athens, Gr, May 1991.


"What Orientation Should Ada Objects Take?", Communications of the ACM, Volume 35 n° 11, ACM, New-York. 


"A Naming Convention for Classes in Ada 9X", Ada Letters, Vol. XV, n° 2, March/April 1995.


"Ada 95 : The World's Standard in Real-Time Programming Got Even Better", Real-Time Magazine, 96/1, January 1996, Real-Time Consult, Brussels.

"All aboard Ada 95", Ada Letters, Vol XVI, N°2, March/April 1996.


HOOD, an Industrial Approach for Software Design, HOOD User Group, Brussels, 1997.


Ada, Interfaces and the Listener Paradigm, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, n° 2361.Proceedings of the Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2002 conference, Springer-Verlag 2002.


Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2003, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2655, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 8th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Toulouse, France, June 16-20, 2003. (Editor with Alfred Strohmeier)

"Experiences in Developing a Typical Web/Database Application", proceedings of the ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference (SIGAda 2003) , ACM Press, ACM order number 825030, San Diego, USA, December 7-11, 2003


"Ada: A language of Choice for Free Software Development", presentation at the "Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre", Bordeaux, Fr, July 2004

"Developing a Web server in Ada with AWS", Ada User Journal, Volume 25, n°3, September 2004.


"On the benefits for industrials of sponsoring free software development", Ada User Journal, Volume 26, n° 4, december 2005.


"Introduction to Ada", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium, February 2006.

"AdaControl: a free ASIS based tool", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Be, February 2006.


"A Comparison of Industrial Coding Rules",  Ada User Journal, Vol. 29 N° 4, December 2008.

"The Ada Paradox(es)", invited presentation, SIGAda 2008 conference, Portland OH, USA. ACM SIGAda Ada Letters, Vol. XXIX, n°2, Aug. 2009.


"Ada for beginning and experienced proprammers", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Be, February 2009.

"The Object-Oriented Programming Model in Ada 2005", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Be, February 2009.


"A Methodology for Avoiding Known Compiler Problems Using Static Analysis", proceedings of the ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference (SIGAda 2010), ACM Press, ACM order number 825100, Fairfax, USA, October 24-28, 2010.

"Using Object Oriented Technologies in High Reliability Systems", tutorial at the SIGAda 2010 conference, Fairfax VA, USA.


"Using Object Oriented Technologies in High Reliability Systems", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2011 conference, Edinburgh, UK.

"Designing and checking coding standards for Ada", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2011 conference, Edinburgh, UK.

(with T. Coq) “The SQALE Quality and Analysis Models for Assessing the Quality of Ada Source Code”, Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2011, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6652, Springer-Verlag, 2011, 16th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Edinburgh, UK, June 2011.

"Object Orientation in Critical Systems: Yes, in Moderation", position paper for the panel on object orientation in critical software, Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2011, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6652, Springer-Verlag, 2011, 16th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Edinburgh, UK, June 2011.


" Introduction to Ada for beginning or experienced programmers", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Be.

" The contract model of Ada 2012", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Be.

"Designing and checking coding standards for Ada", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2012 conference, Stockholm, Se.


" Introduction to Ada for beginning or experienced programmers", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Be.

"Ada Steaming Ahead: New 2012 Features", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Be.

"Developing code analysis applications with ASIS", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2013 conference, Berlin, De.


" Introduction to Ada for beginning or experienced programmers", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Be.

" Safer Web Servers with Ada and AWS", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Be.


"Access Types and Memory Management in Ada 2012", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2015 conference, Madrid, Es.

"Designing and checking coding standards for Ada", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2015 conference, Madrid, Es.


" Memory Management with Ada 2012", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Be.

"Access Types and Memory Management in Ada 2012", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2016 conference, Pisa, It.

"Using Gnoga for Desktop/Mobile GUI and Web development in Ada", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2016 conference, Pisa, It.

"Using Ada's Visibility Rules and Static Analysis to Enforce Segregation of Safety Critical Components", Industrial presentation at the Ada-Europe 2016 conference, Pisa, It.


"Using Gnoga for Desktop/Mobile GUI and Web development in Ada", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2017 conference, Vienna, At.

"On beyond ASCII: Characters, Strings, and Ada 2012", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2017 conference, Vienna, At.


" Introduction to Ada for beginning or experienced programmers", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium.

" Ada, or How to Enforce Safety Rules at Compile Time", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium.

"Access Types and Memory Management in Ada 2012", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2018 conference, Lisbon, Pt.

"Numerics for the Non-Numerical Analyst", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2018 conference, Lisbon, Pt.


" Introduction to Ada for beginning or experienced programmers", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium.

" What is Safety-Critical Software, and How Can Ada and SPARK Help?", presentation at FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium.

"An introduction to Ada", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2019 conference, Warsaw, Pl.

"Experience from 40 years of teaching Ada", industrial presentation at the Ada-Europe 2019 conference, Warsaw, Pl.


"Introduction to the development of safety-critical software", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2021 conference, virtual conference.

"ASIS vs. Libadalang: a comparative assessment", industrial presentation at the Ada-Europe 2021 conference, virtual conference.
Video of the presentation:


"Introduction to Ada for beginning or experienced programmers", presentation at virtual FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium. (slides and video available)

"The Ada Numerics Model" (slides and video, paper). Presentation at virtual FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium. Paper published in the Ada User Journal (march 2022), and Ada Letters (volume XLII, number 1, June 2022).

"Numerics for the Non-Numerical Analyst", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2022 conference, Ghent, Be.


"Everything you always wanted to know about characters and strings", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2023 conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

"Introduction to the development of safety-critical software", tutorial at the Ada-Europe 2023 conference, Lisbon, Portugal.


"An Ada story of time", (slides and video) presentation at the Ada-Europe 2024 conference developpers workshop, Barcelona, Spain.