Package Variable_Length


Files in this distribution: package Variable_Length specification
variable_length.adb package Variable_Length body package Variable_Length.IO specification
variable_length-io.adb package Variable_Length.IO body
variable_length.html (this file) package Variable_Length documentation


Fully portable.
This package uses no compiler specific feature nor any feature defined in an annex.

Copyright, etc.

Packages Variable_Length and Variable_Length.IO are © Copyright 1997-2015 ADALOG.

Variable_Length is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This unit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License distributed with this program; see file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

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This document is Copyright © 1997-2015 Adalog. This document may be copied, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, as is or with alterations, provided that (1) alterations are clearly marked as alterations and (2) this copyright notice is included unmodified in any copy.

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What package Variable_Length does

This package provides a simple "variable length string" type. It is useful when you just want to store strings whose maximum length is known beforehand. It provides operations that are consistent with those defined in the Bounded_String and Unbounded_String packages.

Package Variable_Length

type Variable_String (Max : Positive) is private;

This is the basic type, representing a string of characters of maximum length Max. It does not use any dynamic allocation.

function Length (Source : Variable_String) return Natural;

This function returns the current (actual) length of the string. Note that there is no need to provide a function to return the maximum length, since the discriminant Max is directly accessible.

procedure Move 
   (Source : in  Variable_String;
    Target : out Variable_String;
    Drop   : in  Ada.Strings.Truncation := Ada.Strings.Error);

This procedure copies Source to Target. Note that normal assignment is available for Variable_String, but that it will raise Constraint_Error if the discriminants of LHS and RHS do not match. This procedure allows to move between variables with different discriminants. If the current length of Source is bigger than the maximum length of Target, the behaviour is defined by the value of Drop (see package Ada.Strings in your favorite Reference Manual).

function To_String (Source : Variable_String) return String;

This function returns the value of the actual string contained in Source as a regular String.

function To_Variable_String 
   (Max    : Positive;
    Source : String := "";
    Drop   : Ada.Strings.Truncation := Ada.Strings.Error) 
return Variable_String;

procedure To_Variable_String 
   (Source : in  String := ""; 
    Target : out Variable_String;
    Drop   : in  Ada.Strings.Truncation := Ada.Strings.Error);

These subprograms are used to convert regular strings into Variable_String. In the function, it is necessary to pass (Max) the maximum length of the created value. In the procedure, Source is copied into Target, and the maximum size is the one of Target. In either case, if the length of Source is bigger than the maximum length, the behaviour is defined by the value of Drop (see package Ada.Strings in your favorite Reference Manual).

function "&" (Left : Variable_String; Right : String)          return Variable_String ;
function "&" (Left : Variable_String; Right : Character)       return Variable_String ;
function "&" (Left : Variable_String; Right : Variable_String) return Variable_String ;

These functions are used to catenate a (String, Character, Variable_String) to a Variable_String. In any case, the maximum length of the result is the one of Left. If the length of the catenation is bigger than the maximum length, Length_Error is raised.

function "=" (Left : Variable_String; Right : Variable_String)  return Boolean;
function "="  (Left : Variable_String; Right : String         ) return Boolean;
function "="  (Left : String;          Right : Variable_String) return Boolean;

function "<" (Left : Variable_String; Right : Variable_String) return Boolean;
function "<" (Left : Variable_String; Right : String )         return Boolean;
function "<" (Left : String;          Right : Variable_String) return Boolean;

(And similarly for "<=", ">", ">=")

These are comparison functions between Variable_String and (String, Character, Variable_String). Of course, only the significant part of a Variable_String is compared!

Length_Error : exception renames Ada.Strings.Length_Error;

This is the usual renaming of exception, as provided by other packages.

Package Variable_Length.IO

procedure Get_Line (File : in File_Type; Item : out Variable_String);
procedure Get_Line (Item : out Variable_String);

These procedures behave as the regular Get_Line from Ada.Text_IO, the main difference being that there is no Last parameter; rather, the actual length of the Variable_String tells how many characters were read.

procedure Put_Line (File : in File_Type; Item : in Variable_String);
procedure Put_Line (Item : in Variable_String);

These procedures behave as the regular Put_Line from Ada.Text_IO.

procedure Put (File : in File_Type; Item : in Variable_String);
procedure Put (Item : in Variable_String);

These procedures behave as the regular Put from Ada.Text_IO.

Questions and answers

Q: Why use Variable_String rather than String, Bounded_String, or Unbounded_String?
A: Each kind of string is appropriate to different usage. As a rule of thumb, here is a short summary of when to use each:

Q: Why aren't all functions of Bounded_String provided ?
A: The idea of Variable_String is mainly to provide storage when the length of the string is not know beforehand. "Natural" operations are provided, but we didn't want to overload the package with rarely used functions. If you need "sophisticated" functions, just extract the String, work on this, and if necessary convert the result back to Variable_String. Admitedly, the boundary between "natural" and "sophisticated" functions is a matter of judgement...

Q: Why do the "&" functions always raise Length_Error?
A: Since it is an operator, there is no way to provide a third argument equivalent to the Drop parameter of other operations. Raising Length_Error seems the best default in this case. This is the same as the standard string packages. We could have provided Append functions, but see previous paragraph...

Technical notes

There is not much to say about the implementation. It uses the obvious discriminated type approach, and the body of the package should be quite straightforward to read. Note the use array slices where appropriate.

A final note...

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